
Blog posts tagged with 'tradeshows'

Join us at the 2017 ISI/MIAMA Conference & Tradeshow!
We are looking forward to participating in this year’s ISI/MIAMA Conference & Trade Show, May 30-June 2, 2017. Stop by and visit us in booth #18. We will be featuring our Arid-Ice Desiccant Dehumidification technology. If you are taking courses towards your ISI University Certified Arena Operator certification or are interested in learning more about HVAC & Dehumidification, then be sure to join Mark Bradley on June 1 at 2:45 pm in Atrium 6.
Join us for NARCE & ISI/MIAMA Ice Shows!
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming tradeshows where we are featuring Arid-Ice by Climate by Design International. 15th Annual North American Rink Conference & Expo May 15-19 in Columbus, OH. Come see us at Booth 401!
2017 NEISMA Spring Conference and Trade Show
Maintain the Momentum! was the theme for this year's 2017 NEISMA Spring Conference and Trade Show, April 23-26th. We enjoyed connecting with area rink operators, managers, and facility administrators. It was a pleasure to be one of the sponsors of this event.