
Join us June 21-24 for the 2021 IIAR Natural Refrigeration Online Conference & Virtual Expo

CDI Desiccant Dehumidification in food applications

CDI designs and manufactures Critical Process Rooftop Air Handlers and Critical Process Food Grade Dehumidification units. Options include wipe down or wash down duty with drain pans throughout the unit. NTM® (NoThruMetal) design casing can meet the demands of low temperature environments without condensing. CDI can also help you with your King rooftop replacement needs.

We understand the critical nature of our customers’ processes and respond by creating the climate they need to achieve their critical mission. Be sure to visit us at our virtual booth!

IIAR 2021 Virtual Expo

IIAR is the largest conference and exposition dedicated to the natural refrigeration industry. They provide unrivaled opportunity for the industry's leading manufacturers, contractors, trainers, and other service providers to showcase their latest products and services. In addition we provide a comprehensive program of peer reviewed technical content which highlights the latest innovation and industry knowledge while providing education credits. This virtual conference is the perfect chance to network and collaborate with some of the greatest minds in the natural refrigeration community.

Registration for the conference is open.